
Practice Manager & Administration
Amy commences 2025 as the Practice Manager at Relate Therapy Services and is very excited to be working in this role.
Amy is a Registered Nurse and Midwife and has previously worked at Flinders Medical Centre and the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Amy loves working with children and their families in all aspects of their care and thrives on watching others grow and achieve their goals. Amy also has a passion for providing education about women’s health, as well as mental health support for young women. She plans on completing her perinatal mental health course in order to one day bring some support groups to Relate Therapy Services, specifically aimed at women during pregnancy and the postnatal period. Amy looks forward to meeting you all and will be here to assist you with your needs to ensure you have the best experience at Relate Therapy Services.

31 Gulfview Road
Christies Beach, SA 5165
(08) 7480 0138