Relate Therapy Services

31 Gulfview Road

Christies Beach 5165

Appointment hours

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00

Call us on:

(08) 7480 0138

Call us on:

(08) 7480 0138


Sarah-Rose - profile

Certified Practising Speech Pathologist

Sarah-Rose has a gentle, patient approach, seeking to create responsive, meaningful and engaging interactions that celebrate the individual client and facilitate their growth. She draws on her range of experiences throughout her Speech Pathology degree and work in the field, which includes a focus on fluency, complex communication needs, and speech, language, and swallowing rehabilitation, as well as her work as an instrumental music teacher.

Alongside supporting the development of speech, language and social communication skills, Sarah-Rose values fostering self-confidence, love of learning, and creative expression. Her other interests include playing and composing music, gardening, and spending time with family. Sarah-Rose considers it a privilege to work with young people and their families as part of the dedicated Relate Therapy Services team.

I love NDIS - registered NDIS provider
South Australia


Relate Therapy Services
31 Gulfview Road
Christies Beach, SA 5165


(08) 7480 0138


